
Five Things My Kids School Gets Right

I’m very often guilty of focusing on the negative. It’s a bad habit of mine. In light of that, today I want to give you five things my kids’ school does right.

1.) 99% of the teachers are wonderful and understanding and teaching for the right reasons.  They get that every kid has needs that are different from his or her peers.

2.) The nurses at my kids’ school are amazing caregivers. They care for kids with something as simple as a bump on the playground, dispense sometimes life saving medicines and are sometimes just a soft place to land on a hard day.

3.) The principals are not just authority figures to the kids. They know almost every child by name. Do they dole out punishments? You bet, but the kids seem to know that they are a grownup on their team.

4.) My kids have PE three days a week. While they don’t always like the games they play, it’s so vital when kids only get 15 minutes of recess a day, weather permitting, that they have this opportunity to MOVE their bodies.

5.) Our school psychologist is a lifesaver. I’m serious. She sees my kid weekly for social skills and various other needs that may pop up, she conducts ARDs (Similar to an IEP meeting) in such a way that it’s not so bad, she makes sure each kid she sees is prepared for changes the following year, she’s a go between for parents and teachers, she has a stack of paperwork a mile high on her desk yet has NEVER turned this mama away when she needs an ear. 

There are more than five things my kids’ school does right, certainly, but this is a good start. 

Happy Weekend Y’all.


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